Our Favorite Pictures This Spring

With July 4th right around the corner, the unofficial start of summer is here; what better time to look back on our 2018 spring season and pick out our favorite shots from all of our client trips! This spring we managed to hit three of the four locations we have available: Fruita, Moab and St. George. We had some HUGE epic rides, long days, and made long lasting relationships while we suffered together up technical climbs that had smile-inducing downhills. Here’s to the spring season, and we’re looking forward to making more memories this summer and fall!
Ripping the corner on the LPS section of the Whole Enchilada (Moab)
Just a bunch of guys hanging out at the top of Captain Ahab (Moab)
Follow the leader, with our guide Sydney in front on Joe’s Ridge (Fruita)
Dropping in on a techy section of the Gunny Loop (Grand Junction)
Now that’s a good looking crew- getting ready to rip the Ribbon (Grand Junction)
BKXC himself, busting through a corner on Troy Built (Fruita)
Trip Leader, Jay, hammering around a corner on Pipedream (Moab)
It’s steeper than it looks- a hell of a roll-over on Little Creek Mesa (St. George)
The group cruised through the “crux” move on Captain Ahab (Moab)
Things are getting a little tight on the Alaska trail at North Klondike (Moab)