Photo Essay: Sun Valley, Idaho

Ever since we spent a week in Sun Valley last summer on our scouting trip with BKXC, we’ve been itching to get back. The mountains are rugged, the singletrack is plenty, and the riding is absolutely epic. It’s a perfect fit for Chasing Epic; which is why we added it as another destination beginning in 2019.
Fast forward to last week, when we hosted our first official group of 12 riders in Sun Valley, for four days of amazing riding. It was a long, cold, wet winter in central Idaho this year, which made for a slightly altered itinerary for this crew. But thanks to the efforts of some hard-working chainsaw-wielding dirt bikers, we managed to run a couple of shuttles high into the mountains and ride some of the local epics. And once again, we can’t wait to get back there with our next group in early October!
Day One: Adams Gulch Loops
Riding right from town, the Adams Gulch trail system offers a perfect intro to Sun Valley riding; we get flow trails, mellow climbing, some steep climbing, and a big downhill with huge views to end the ride. All told, this ride covers about 15-18 miles and just over 2000 feet of climbing, with hoots and hollers from start to finish!
Day Two: Greenhorn Gulch Figure Eight
Typically used as a final day ride, on day two of our June trip we explored a little more of the “backcountry” above Greenhorn Gulch by riding Mahoney and Cow Creek. This meant we essentially had two big (5+ mile) climbs along with two BIG descents. Cow Creek throws a little tech and jank at you, while Imperial gives you one of the sweetest downhills in the valley. At the end of the afternoon, we tallied 20 miles and 3600 feet of climbing.
Day Three: Oregon Gulch, Chocolate Gulch and Fox Creek
Starting with a 20+ mile shuttle ride from town to the top of Oregon Gulch (aka The Edge of the World), this ride is one of the Sun Valley epics. Oregon Gulch is a 6-mile descent that starts with some steep, rowdy singletrack high above everything and ends with a meandering cruise through wildflower meadows. Combine that with the sweet singletrack of Saddle, Chocolate, and Fox Creek and you get one of the favorites on any trip. Today’s ride was just over 20 miles with about 2400 feet of climbing, but almost 5000 feet of descent!
Day Four: Mt. Baldy Traverse
With the afore-mentioned wet, cold spring we had to change our plans slightly for day four, which meant riding right from town and climbing the ski area. Mt. Baldy towers above town, and has several amazing trails on its flanks: we decided to climb up the town side and descend into Warm Springs, then continue over into Adams Gulch. This offered amazing flow trails and some legit climbing; a perfect way to end the trip. The hardy riders who added the optional ride at the end managed 20+ miles and almost 2500 feet of climbing today!