Photo Essay: 4 Days of Summer Riding in Sun Valley, Idaho

Having just finished up our 4-day June trip to Sun Valley, Idaho we thought it would be fun to wrap up the trip with a set of our favorite images. Our trips (and all of the rides) in Sun Valley are interesting and a bit perplexing: despite the terrain being more mellow than similar spots like Crested Butte, these rides wear you down. They’re rugged, long, and tough…. just how we like them!
Along with the pictures, we’ve also included our rides, distance, and elevation gain so you can get an idea of what to expect if/when you join us on a future trip!
Day 1: Adams Gulch w/ a Side of Forbidden Fruit (17 miles, 2400′ up/down)
(ride included Shadyside, Forbidden Fruit, Griffin Butte Connector, and Harpers)
Day 2: Edge of the World (21 miles, 2800′ up & 5000′ down)
(Ride included Oregon Gulch, Oregon-Fox Connector, Chocolate Gulch, Fox Creek, 3 Hills and Shadyside)
Day 3: Osberg Ridge to Town (28 miles, 3800′ up & 5200′ down)
(ride included Osberg Ridge, Adam’s Rib, Griffin Butte Conector, Shadyside)
Groups 2 & 3 stopping for a mid-ride photo opportunity:
Day 4: Greenhorn Gulch Loop (15 miles, 2700′ up/down)
(ride included Mahoney, Lodgepole, Greenhorn)
And finally…. group 1 signing off from Sun Valley!