Just Added: Fruita & Moab Together In One Trip!

This spring we’ve been working closely with our guides to put together a challenging, rowdy trip that will cater to those looking for a late season getaway, and after much discussion… I’m super stoked to announce we’re combining FRUITA and MOAB into one trip. Four days of riding in the high desert with non-stop tech riding to close your season out the right way.
This trip targets our more skilled technical riders, and those looking for a challenge: we have four days of rowdy, tough riding planned with more in the hopper if you can handle it! On to the trip details:
Saturday, October 23rd – Tuesday, October 26th
Three nights of lodging based in Fruita, CO (fly into Grand Junction, Eagle or Denver)
Three rides in Fruita, one in Moab
All of your meals
Three days w/ shuttle drops
Focus on challenging, technical riding that will push your skill limits
Killer demo bikes (Guerrilla Gravity, Revel, Deviate)
And of course… post ride beers!
As of now, the planned itinerary is as follows:
Day 1: 18 Road (15-18 miles)
Day 2: Kokopelli Loops Point to Point (25 miles)
Day 3: The Whole Enchilada in Moab (from Hazard County TH, 25-30 miles)
Day 4: Lunch Loops in Grand Junction (15-18 miles)
Hopefully we’ll see you in October, it’ll be great to ride with some familiar faces again! Click the image below to book!