New Partner Announcement: Industry Nine

As Chasing Epic matures as a company, we’re always looking to add value for our customers and improve the overall experience on our all-inclusive trips. A large part of that experience is the time we spend on the bike (hell, isn’t that the reason we’re all here?), so we’ve been working to improve upon our already best-in-the-industry demo bike fleet.
We’ve long been huge fans of Industry Nine wheels, and so we are super stoked to announce that beginning in 2019, ALL DEMO BIKES will have full custom Enduro 305 or Trail 270 wheels on them! Yep, that’s right- not only will you be riding the best bikes in the business, but now you’ll be riding the best wheels too!
Industry Nine is known for having some of the highest performing wheels in the bike world, and we agree 100%. With almost instant engagement, bomb-proof hub construction, durable rims, and super stiff and wide aluminum spokes, there’s nothing we don’t like about their wheels! And the icing on the cake? We get to design every single set of wheels with custom color combinations to match (or not match) the bikes we’ll be riding all year long!
We’re also working on finalizing the details for a super cool item for our Brevard trips: if you plan on bringing your own bike for the Chasing Epic trip, you can stop by Industry Nine (based in Asheville, just 40 minutes away) and they’ll get your bike set up with demo wheels of your choice for the entire four days!
Stay tuned for more news as the partnership progresses and as we get closer to the spring, as we’ll have lots of sweet deals and giveaways from I-9 to get you stoked on the trip season!