Product Review


Product Review: e*Thirteen TRS Tires

I recently finished up my new build;  I decided to go out of my comfort zone a little and build a mid/short travel 29er.  One of my biggest complaints about all the 29ers I have ridden is the excessive flex from the wheels and tires. ...


Must-have Supplies for Your Home Bike Shop

Hot on the heels of last week's post about the top tools for your shop is part two of the series, covering the supplies you should have - at a minimum - in your home bike shop.  Just like last week's article about tools, these supplies...


Top Tools for Your Home Bike Shop

It's the middle of January, which means most trails are currently under snow and the only thing you're riding these days is a spin bike or a trainer.  Not much fun if you ask me.  Soon the trails will start melting off and things will...


There’s a Backpack for Every Ride

First off, I'll preface this blog post by stating something you probably know already:  Deuter is a partner of Chasing Epic.  They provide us with free packs, and we're very thankful for that.  That said, we only work with the best in the business, and personally...


Mountain Bike Tire Shootout: Maxxis vs. Schwalbe

As a group, mountain bikers are a very particular bunch:  we all have our favorite jersey, shorts, brakes, and of course tires.  What do we talk about over after-ride beers?  Well, of course we talk about the epic ride we just hammered out...


Product Review: WTB Trailblazer 2.8″

I recently had the opportunity to try out some plus-sized WTB Trailblazer tires of the 2.8" variety, thanks to my partners at Worldwide Cyclery.  I've been reading about plus sized tires for months, and since I recently got a new Ibis HD3 with Boost spacing, I...


Product Review: Issi Trail Pedals

Issi Trail Pedals: Short-term Review   I was recently given an opportunity to ride a pair of brand new Issi trail pedals, and wanted to give my short term impressions so far.  Under full disclosure, I did not receive these pedals in return for a review: I...